Goal 13: Climate Action

Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
13.1 Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries
13.2 Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning
13.3 Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning
2030 Agenda For Sustainable Development
United Nations
Chinese American Parent-Student Council Seeks to Build Coalitions to Address Climate Change and Other Environmental Issues
Starting in 2021, the Chinese American Parent-Student Council (CAPSC) will work with the Western Returned Scholars Association Entrepreneur Alliance (WRSAEA) in using social media to strengthen communication with its members and partner organizations in China and around the world in order to organize the "Global Environmental Youth Working Group" and "Mother Earth Environmental Advocacy Group.”
Changes in the natural environment, whether natural or human-induced, are more prevalent and grave, thus becoming a prominent issue that humankind has to face. The UN Decade of Ecosystem on Restoration (2021-2030) is a global call to action to protect and restore ecosystems globally to benefit the people and nature. It aims to halt the degradation of ecosystems and revitalize them to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Global Goals.
The daunting challenge set before the global community requires our immediate action. The first step of action is to promote extensive publicity to build consensus and power for action. If we do not care about our environment and ecosystem, we will be the ones who suffer in the end. Restoring the ecosystem can slow down climate change, restore lost biodiversity, create fertile land for agriculture, provide employment opportunities, and reinforce the role of nature in suppressing zoonotic disease epidemics and creating a buffer in transmission. It is possible to make our cities green and restore the blue planet, making life more fulfilling for everyone.
This unique project complements the United Nations on Ecosystem Restoration Decade led by the United Nations Environment Programme, making it an ambitious and wide-ranging global campaign to accelerate the restoration process and put the world on track to achieve a sustainable future. It also celebrates and commemorates the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations Environment Programme in 2022.
Chinese American Parent-Student Council (CAPSC) Participates in the Design and Layout of First Day Cover to Commemorate 2021 Earth Day
In March 2021, the Chinese American Parent-Student Council was invited to the planning committee to design the First Day Cover to commemorate 2021 International Mother Earth Day. Below are the logo and statement printed on the First Day Cover:

In 2009, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution to designate April 22 of each year as "International Mother Earth Day,” a holiday specifically recognized for global environmental protection. As the pandemic continues to rage on, what is even more terrifying is that due to the growing severity of climate change and global warming, mankind is about to face another global ecological and environmental disaster.
US President Biden has said that science will be the backbone of his administration’s climate strategy to comprehensively transform and develop the nation’s various fields and win the war to save the planet. China President Xi Jinping has proposed a "green recovery,” advocating a green and low-carbon production and lifestyle, and seeking opportunities and innovation from green development.
With the leadership of United Nations Special Envoy on Climate Ambition and Solution Michael Bloomberg, US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry, and China Special Representative on Climate Change Affairs Xie Zhenhua, and their expertise in accelerating climate change, we believe the implementation of the Paris Agreement can be achieved. However, the most important thing that we need to do is immediately promote an international environmental sustainability movement, engage and mobilize global environmental citizens, and improve the overall wellbeing of the planet through green and carbonless activities.
The UN Secretary-General Guterres said that “we must take decisive action to protect our planet from any danger of virus and climate damage." On this International Mother Earth Day, let us respond to his call to act immediately and work together for the sustainable development goals of mankind.
CAPSC Participates in Ocean Waters- Screening, Concert, and Exhibition to Celebrate the 51st Anniversary of Earth Day
April 2021- The Chinese American Parent-Student Council’s Youth Volunteers participated in virtual meetings with a community of teen musical artists and filmmakers to commemorate the 51st Anniversary of Earth Day.
The two-day event featured a musical concert dedicated to frontline workers, nursing homes staff and patients, and communities that were impacted by COVID-19, followed by a screening of ocean-themed films to demonstrate the power of art to promote harmony with the Earth and with nature and to provide an opportunity to raise public awareness around the world of the challenges that face the planet and all of the life. These young artists from New York and London spent the past six months investigating the theme of ocean water through filmmaking.
“We are thrilled and humbled to be a part of this,” Yen Chou, the President of CAPSC said. “As global citizens, we have to do whatever we can to underscore the urgency and perhaps bring a unique perspective to it.”
Through an evening of performance, film screening, and conversation between young artists and their audience, we want to share our collective vision for a better future, a better life.

CAPSC Youth Members Assist NYC Department of Sanitation (DSNY) in Educating Members of the Commuity of " DSNY 's Zero Waste" Campaign
November 2019-Members of Chinse American Parent-Student Council (CAPSC) Youth Action Team worked alongside with The City of New York Department of Sanitation (DSNY) to engage and educate the community in the need for composting and DSNY's mission in sending "zero waste" to landfills by 2030.
Representatives of the DSNY outreach team, alongside CAPSC Youth, informed attendees of the need of sorting out residential trash, recyclables, and reusable materials in the department’s efforts to advance its zero waste initiative and prevent recyclable and reusable materials from ending up in our landfills. The event also introduced members of the community to the department’s organics and composting programs. Residents were also given a complimentary lawn/leaf bag, just in time for Fall season when leaves start to fall.
As the world's largest sanitation department, the NYC Department of Sanitation is an integral city agency that addresses waste management, recycling, and sustainability, collecting more than 10,500 tons of residential and institutional garbage and 1,760 tons of recyclables daily, cleaning 6,000 miles of New York City streets, and removing snow and ice during winter.
CAPSC has been a propnent and advocate of building a sustainable city for all, whether is it improving air quality, elimination waste, water conservation, and beautifying our neighborhood.
Chinese American Parent-Student Council (CAPSC) Joins New York State Assemblyman David Weprin for Summer Clean Up Project
In response to series of complaints from the community about how people treat our one and only planet, Chinese American Parent-Student Council and its youth volunteer action team and New York State Assemblyman David Weprin partnered with one another to organize a Community Clean-Up Event. With a pair of gloves and trash bags, our volunteers were out on full-force on a mission to improving the environment and our communities at the same time, exemplifying our ongoing commitment to provide a healthier and safer place for all humanity to live, work and play.

[MEDIA RELEASE] New York State Assemblyman David Weprin Joins Chinese American Parent-Student Council for Summer Clean Up Project